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I am a Black psychologist with a thriving practice that specializes in providing therapy, consultation, and presentations that center on the experiences of young Black and Brown professionals. From entrepreneurs to corporate employees, I help individuals work through anxiety, depression, and barriers infringing on their well-being and agencies actualize their values surrounding inclusion. I am licensed to provide virtual therapy services to people in multiple states across the United States! Check out the list of states here. Public speaking engagements are available worldwide.
Hey, I'm Dr. Morgan (she/her)
I’m a licensed psychologist who is originally from Omaha, NE and resides in Houston, TX. I earned my doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology from the APA-accredited program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where I developed expertise in Black mental health and group therapy. I am a therapist, consultant and public speaker.
I also identify as a Black woman who is a wife, mother, Delta, social justice advocate, and introvert. Authenticity is a top value for me. Relationships that allow me to express my thoughts, behave congruently, connect through vulnerability, makes room for confusion, uncertainty, and mixed emotions, I like that. I aspire towards flexibility. The sort of flexibility that’s akin to imperfection. A humanness that’s tolerable of mistakes, embraces rest, adjusts expectations to meet ever changing needs, and sets boundaries as a form of loving myself and others. Helping people embrace their wholeness is important to me.
I place great value on relationships, including therapeutic ones with clients. Using my skills and presence to support the development of trust, cultivate safety, and create room for meaningful reflection. Let’s be curious together, ask all the questions, be selfish in our focus on you, and dig into your experience...ohh that excites me! It’s important to me that people feel freedom to be all of who they are with me. Your identities matter. Your feelings matter. Your story matters!


Individual Counseling
$175 per session
Individual therapy provides a place for you to express yourself and explore obstacles that are preventing you from living the life you want. I help clients unpack complex and difficult experiences so they can have more clarity about their patterns, feelings, and make intentional choices about their future. I do not accept insurance.
Group Therapy
$100 per session
Group therapy can be a good option for people with social concerns. If you are having trouble cultivating close friendships, are unsure of how others perceive you, are curious about your interpersonal patterns, or experience social anxiety, consider group therapy. Click here to
learn more.
If you are looking to help your organization develop better practices that are aligned with values for diversity, equity, and inclusion, I am an expert at evaluating and providing recommendations to support your goals. To hire me as a consultant, please submit your information on the form available on
the contact page.
Guest Speaking
Are you looking for a dynamic and engaging speaker to discuss a mental health topic with your organization? I am skilled at making complex and taboo topics understandable and relatable. To book me as a guest speaker, please submit your information on the form available on the contact page.
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